Tag : Content protection


Completed projects

Multimedia watermarking for mobile telephony With the rapid development of 3G mobile telephony, operators need to offer operational solutions to protect copyright related to multimedia contents distributed on nomadic terminals. In this context, the TAMUSO project (TAtouage Multimédia et ses Usages dans les réSeaux mObiles – Multimedia watermarking and its applications in mobile networks) is … Continue reading

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Completed projects

Remote maintenance services for car industry The leading French car manufacturer, RENAULT wants to develop and exploit an information and communication system compliant with heterogeneous nomadic environments, to bring into operation new remote consultation, assistance and maintenance services. To respond to these requirements, the RNRT SEMANTIC-3D project is aimed at proposing new approaches for (de)coding … Continue reading

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Completed projects

Multimedia content protection  Partners :    LTC – Mikros Image – Orange Labs – France Telecom R&D – SFR – Thomson  Type: Institutional  Keywords : Content protection, MPEG-21, MPEG-4  Contact : Mihai Mitrea

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Completed projects

High-Definition 3D / Initiative for an Open Industry HD3D-IIO deals with digital content creation and production with the goal of empowering the audiovisual and entertainement industries with novel technological solutions to face the challenges raised by constantly changing working environments and intense global competition. Mastering digital content exchanges then involves developing open-ended, collaborative and interoperable … Continue reading

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