Tag : Mpeg-7


Completed projects

Linguistic Meta-Educational Engine for Audiovisual Content LIMED develop an innovative demonstrator than can turn any available foreign language video (e.g., TV serials or evening news) into a terrific learning tool for the language in question. Thus, the LIMED project is anchored in the new field of Edutainment (Education + Entertainment), proposing the automatic generation of … Continue reading

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Culture 3D Clouds

Ongoing projects

Culture 3D Clouds Information and communication technologies in the world offer new possibilities for cultural exchange, creation, education and shared knowledge to greatly expand the access to culture and heritage. Culture 3D Cloud is part of a process that aims to create a technical rupture approach in the field of digitization of heritage artifacts to … Continue reading

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Completed projects

Integrated production software (DMAM, Network and Media Security, standardized file formats, calibration and colour perception, render farm…) .  Partners: HD3D SAS (92), Mikros Image (92), Mac Guff (75), TeamTO (75), 2 Minutes (75), Eclair (93), Duran (92), Duboi (92), LTC (92), Attitude Studio (93), EESA (94), ENS Louis Lumière (93), MSH Paris Nord et Université … Continue reading

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Completed projects

The HD3D² project, starting in January 2010, is a second step to create new foundations for the Image and Sound Technical Industries with a focus on the optimization of 3D movie creation, sound/image integration, production variants management. HD3D SAS coordinates the efforts of 7 companies and 5 Research Public University Departments of this community.  Partners: … Continue reading

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Completed projects

Remote maintenance services for car industry The leading French car manufacturer, RENAULT wants to develop and exploit an information and communication system compliant with heterogeneous nomadic environments, to bring into operation new remote consultation, assistance and maintenance services. To respond to these requirements, the RNRT SEMANTIC-3D project is aimed at proposing new approaches for (de)coding … Continue reading

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Completed projects

Interactive TV at the crossroads – Next turn: Object-oriented TV   From a strategic point of view, the content creation industry is today confronted with the assessment and validation of new economic models for interactive digital TV (i-DTV). From a technological perspective, however, i-DTV is still waiting for powerful and efficient tools for managing enriched … Continue reading

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Completed projects

ReconfigurAble Multimedia Service EnablerS  Partners:  Alcatel Lucent Bells Labs  Type: Institutional  Keywords : Digital TV, Interactivity, Interoperability, MPEG-7, Multimedia indexing  Contact : Artemis

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Completed projects

Technologies for Petaflop computing    Partners:  Bull – CAPS Entreprise – CEA-DAM – CEA-LIST – CS Systèmes d’Information – Dassault Aviation – Ecole Centrale Paris – EDF – ESI Group – Eurodecision – IFP – IRISA – CAPS – MEDIT – NewPhenix – Resonate-MP4 -Université Evry-Val d’Essonne – IBISC – Université Paris Sud-IBBMC – Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines  Type: National  Keywords:  Compression, High-performance computing, Interactivity, MPEG-21, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, Multimedia databases, Multimedia indexing, Transmission, Visualization  Contact: Artemis

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Completed projects

Scalable interactive digital TV echnological convergence, seamless integration and universal access are the key words in today’s multimedia. In this context, digital television plays a central role and is raising new challenges for the scientific community in terms of functionalities, usages and services. How can we reconcile the worlds of the web and television? How … Continue reading

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Completed projects

New services and practises of digital TV    Partners:  Alcatel Lucent Bells Labs – Bull – CEA-LIST – Expway – LBA-Vodeo TV – NewPhenix – RadioFrance -SFR – Supélec – Vecsys  Project site :  http://www.capdigital.com/video-du-projet-meditic/  Type: National  Keywords: Digital TV, Interactivity, MPEG-7, Multimedia indexing  Contact: Titus Zaharia

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