Tag : Authoring tools


Completed projects

Theories and Tools for Distributed Authoring of Mobile Mixed The TOTEM project investigated mobile mixed reality games concerning their design and development. The advance of smartphones has made these games possible for a wide audience and due to their close coupling between digital and real world content, unique and exciting new possibilities for user interaction … Continue reading

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Ongoing projects

Open Publishing Cloud OPC seeks to facilitate the “digital revolution” of print publishers wishing to distribute their content on tablets and new connected devices. The project involves deploying a chain of production and distribution of digital rich media content scanning four types of collections – the children’s book, the art book, the book practical (cooking, … Continue reading

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Ongoing projects

Formalizing Augmented Reality Experiences FARE will research how to support rich presentation, interaction and linking between the physical and digital worlds and specifically will develop a formalism to efficiently represent this support. FARE will build on the ongoing work of ARTEMIS/GRIN team on defining formalism for mixed/augmented reality, an activity initiated during the TOTEM project … Continue reading

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Completed projects

Mobile gaming The today available computational power on mobile phones enables the integration of complex multimedia applications, such as 3D games. Their implementation nevertheless requires the optimization of the manipulation content representation. In order to guarantee interoperability, in particular during design and production of the hardware components (chipsets), a standardized representation must be adopted. In … Continue reading

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Completed projects

Scalable interactive digital TV echnological convergence, seamless integration and universal access are the key words in today’s multimedia. In this context, digital television plays a central role and is raising new challenges for the scientific community in terms of functionalities, usages and services. How can we reconcile the worlds of the web and television? How … Continue reading

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Completed projects

Unified scalable framework for online gaming Today, on-line multi-user games need broadband network transmission and massively parallel, brute force computing servers. The OLGA project exploits scalability at the level of content, platforms and networks, possibly scaling down the content, network and processing load to the distributive resources available over the end-to-end delivery chain. The technology … Continue reading

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Completed projects

Animated messages  Partners:   Studios Brocéliande – Wizarbox  Type: Institutional  Keywords : 3D graphics, Animation, Authoring tools, Compression, Interactivity, Mobile multimedia, MPEG-4, Multimedia databases, Visualization  Contact : Artemis

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Completed projects

Communications sytems for hearing-impaired people The objective of the LABIAO project (Lecture lABIale Assistée par Ordinateur or Computer-Assisted lips reading) is to design, develop and distribute a software suite that increases the autonomy of deaf and hearing-impaired people in their day-to-day professional and social lives. In this context, ARTEMIS is developing a comprehensive solution for facial … Continue reading

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Completed projects

MPEG-4 3D platform In partnership with the Computer Science and Distance Education Lab. of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (CSDE/FEE) (Skopje, Macedonia), this project aims at establishing a comprehensive MPEG-4 platform to promote the deployment of the ISO MPEG-4 standard in scientific and industrial communities. Early results and spin-offs have led to the development of … Continue reading

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