Communications sytems for hearing-impaired people

The objective of the LABIAO project (Lecture lABIale Assistée par Ordinateur or Computer-Assisted lips reading) is to design, develop and distribute a software suite that increases the autonomy of deaf and hearing-impaired people in their day-to-day professional and social lives.

In this context, ARTEMIS is developing a comprehensive solution for facial animation compression, transmission and visualization (3D pose and expressions), compliant with the MPEG-4 standard. In particular, the morphing technology promoted in 2005 by ARTEMIS in MPEG-4 Part 16 is used to animate a synthetic face realistically at low bitrates.

 Partners :   Audivimédia - Cnefei - DATHA - EDF - LINC - LORIA

 Type: National

 Keywords : 3D graphics, Animation, Augmented reality, Authoring tools, Compression, Mobile multimedia, Modeling, MPEG-4, Multimedia for all, Transmission, Visualization

 Contact : Marius Preda

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