Communication Network Game

Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) are capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously: World of Warcraft, Lineage, Lord of the Rings, Roma Victor (RedBedlam, UK), Entropia Universe (Mindark, SE), OGame (Gameforge, DE), Age of Conan (Funcom, NO). MMOGs allow a large number of online players to interact and communicate in virtual environments simultaneously on the internet, a formulation of active communities among MMOG players and exchange of User Generated Content (UGC).

CNG aims to research and develop Peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay for the distribution of UGC as well a new sophisticated techniques for P2P UGC streaming that are “friendly” to the MMOG client-server traffic.

CNG seeks to enhance the capacity of MMOGs to support users in the collaborative development and sharing of UGC, enable MMOGs to encompass new UGC tools and support new business models and the integration with external communities (e.g., Facebook and Twitter). 

Partners: Exent Technologies Ltd., Research Academic Computer Technology Institute,

Institut Telecom, De Montfort University, Kaltura Ltd., RedBedlam, European Game Developers Federation, i2 media research limited

 Partners: Exent Technologies Ltd., Research Academic Computer Technology Institute, Institut Telecom, De Montfort University, Kaltura Ltd., RedBedlam, European Game Developers Federation, i2 media research limited

 Type: European

 Keywords: Multiplayer games, P2P, User content generation

 Contact: Marius Preda

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