Tag : Multimedia indexing


Completed projects

High-Definition 3D / Initiative for an Open Industry HD3D-IIO deals with digital content creation and production with the goal of empowering the audiovisual and entertainement industries with novel technological solutions to face the challenges raised by constantly changing working environments and intense global competition. Mastering digital content exchanges then involves developing open-ended, collaborative and interoperable … Continue reading

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Completed projects

High-performance computing servers for information processing FAME2 is a structuring project within the SYSTEM@TIC PARIS-REGIONCompetitiveness Cluster, devoted to complex software and systems. Its objective is to develop a new generation of high-performance servers adapted to data-intensive computing and multimedia content processing by 2008. ARTEMIS contribution consists in creating a software architecture for a real-time platform … Continue reading

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Completed projects

MPEG-4 3D platform In partnership with the Computer Science and Distance Education Lab. of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (CSDE/FEE) (Skopje, Macedonia), this project aims at establishing a comprehensive MPEG-4 platform to promote the deployment of the ISO MPEG-4 standard in scientific and industrial communities. Early results and spin-offs have led to the development of … Continue reading

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