Tag : Mpeg-4


Completed projects

High-performance computing servers for information processing FAME2 is a structuring project within the SYSTEM@TIC PARIS-REGIONCompetitiveness Cluster, devoted to complex software and systems. Its objective is to develop a new generation of high-performance servers adapted to data-intensive computing and multimedia content processing by 2008. ARTEMIS contribution consists in creating a software architecture for a real-time platform … Continue reading

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Completed projects

MPEG-4 3D platform In partnership with the Computer Science and Distance Education Lab. of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (CSDE/FEE) (Skopje, Macedonia), this project aims at establishing a comprehensive MPEG-4 platform to promote the deployment of the ISO MPEG-4 standard in scientific and industrial communities. Early results and spin-offs have led to the development of … Continue reading

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