Tag : Modeling


Completed projects

Computer-Aided Diagnosis for lung nodule detection & cancer screening 3D ANDALUS contributes to the implementation of a Computer-Assisted Diagnosis (CAD) system for lung cancer screening. From methodological advances achieved in collaboration with Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (Central Radiology Department) for the automated detection of pulmonary nodules by CT scanning, research work has continued within the context of … Continue reading

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Completed projects

Modeling & enhancing territorial heritage Terra Numerica is a structuring project within the Cap DigitalCompetitiveness Cluster, which focuses on digital multimedia contents. Its objectives are to model and enhance territorial heritage by creating production and consultation platforms integrating virtual environment and augmented reality facilities. ARTEMIS contributes to this project by designing and implementing scalable representation, compression … Continue reading

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Completed projects

3D modeling for 2D cartoons Today, automating the animation process in the cartoon production process has become a major economic issue for the entertainment industry. A privileged partner of this industry, Quadraxis proposes interactive and user-friendly authoring tools to aid cartoon design and production, respecting the traditional practices of creative artists and at the same … Continue reading

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Completed projects

Communications sytems for hearing-impaired people The objective of the LABIAO project (Lecture lABIale Assistée par Ordinateur or Computer-Assisted lips reading) is to design, develop and distribute a software suite that increases the autonomy of deaf and hearing-impaired people in their day-to-day professional and social lives. In this context, ARTEMIS is developing a comprehensive solution for facial … Continue reading

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Completed projects

Infiltrative lung diseases and emphysema    Partners: APHP – Hôpital Avicenne / Service de Radiologie – APHP – Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière / Service de Radiologie – National Chung Cheng University Taiwan  Type: National  Keywords: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Medical imaging, Modeling, Segmentation  Contact : Catalin Fetita

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Completed projects

Joint quantitative assessment of myocardial perfusion and function in MRI Following on from the CardioMeter project dedicated to the quantitative analysis of heart function in tagged MRI, the CardioPerf project, conducted in partnership with Philips Medical Systems, focuses on measuring myocardial perfusion in MRI, with a view to a joint analysis of perfusion/contraction. Research work … Continue reading

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Completed projects

Quantitative assessment of bronchial reactivity for asthma therapy Launched in 2004 in collaboration with Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (Central Radiology Department) and Glaxo France, the objective of BronWall is the quantitative evaluation of bronchial reactivity and bronchial wall thickening in asthmatic subjects. In 2005, the project continued with the development of a fully-3D bronchial wall segmentation model, … Continue reading

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