Assistance for Better Mobility and Improved Cognition of Elderly Blind and Visually Impaired

Assistive device Alice will consist of smartphone wirelessly connected to local or in perspective remote processing unit.  Apart from the camera, Alice will utilise sensors for position detection, orientation, movement and distance from obstacles. The position and distance mapping will be cross-referenced and processed in combination with the visual information, avoiding ambiguities in the semantics. Alice will use artificial intelligence to plan and anticipate based on fusion of sensory inputs and previous knowledge. The system will verbalize its perceptions trough intuitive audio system and synthesised voice to translate visual to verbal in comprehensive and user friendly manner. The user will be able to communicate with the system through a voice interface.


Project site:

 Type: Industrial

Keywords: Visually impaired, Sensor, Voice interface, Assistive device, Mobile devices

 Contact: Titus Zaharia

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