Nicolas Rougon received an Engineer Degree in Telecommunications and a Ph.D. in Signal and Image Processing from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, France (today known as TELECOM ParisTech), respectively in 1989 and 1993. In 1994, he joined the Signal & Image Processing Department at TELECOM SudParis as an assistant professor, and became in 1998 an associate professor within the ARTEMIS Department.
¬ Research activities
His research interests include variational and PDE methods, hybrid statical-variational techniques, mathematical morphology, differential geometry, and physical modelling for computer vision. The emphasis is set on multiscale image and shape representations, and identification of deformable structures and motions in dynamic imaging. From an applicative point of view, his interests are currently focused on anatomical and functional modeling of the heart in multimodal medical imaging.
Related projects: projects
¬ Institutional activities
From 1995 to 2001, Nicolas Rougon has been in charge with the Working Group on Dynamical Deformable Models (GT4) within the CNRS Research Network on "Information - Signal - Image - viSion" (GDR ISIS). He is now a member of the Board of ISIS, acting as a coordinator of the Shape - Motion - Scene Structure Thema, and ensuring liaison with the Board of the CNRS Research Network on "IST-Health" (GDR STIC-Santé). Moreover, he is in the charge with the Specific Action on "Non Rigid Registration" (AS RNR) linked to the Interdisciplinary Thematic Network (RTP) on "Imaging, computer vision and scene analysis" (RTP 25) of the "Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies " (STIC) Department of CNRS. He is also involved in the Specific Action on "Knowledge Integration and Modeling in Medical Imaging" (AS ICoMIM) linked to the Interdisciplinary Thematic Network on "Information and Knowledge Engineering for Health" (RTP 42: I2CS) of the CNRS-STIC Department.
¬ Editorial acivities
Nicolas Rougon is a regular reviewer for:
- IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- Image and Vision Computing
- International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)
- EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing
- Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
- Medical Image Analysis
- Pattern Recognition Letters
- Signal, Image and Video Processing
- Signal Processing
- Signal Processing: Image Communication
- Traitement du Signal
¬ Program committees
Nicolas Rougon is a co-chair of the International Workshop on Mathematics & Image Analysis (MIA'2000 MIA'2002 and MIA'2004). He is or has been a member of the program committees of:
- 2010: CIARP'2010 - ECCV'2010 EUSIPCO'2010 - ICIP'2010 - ICME'2010 - MICCAI'2010.
- 2009: EUSIPCO'2009 - GRETSI'2009 - ICIP'2009.
- 2008: 3DTV-CON 2008 - EUSIPCO'2008 - ICIP'2008 - ISM'2008 - MICCAI'2008.
- 2007: GRETSI'2007 - ICIP'2007.
- 2006: ECCV'2006 - EUSIPCO'2006.
- 2005: FIMH'2005 - GRETSI'2005 - ICCV'2005,
and before: ECCV'2004, FIMH'2003, ECCV'2002, FIMH'2001, Scale-Space'97 and ICIP'96. Since 1994, he has also been a regular reviewer for the bi-annual French conferences GRETSI and RFIA. Finally, he was the program chair of the CNRS-ISIS Thematic Workshop'2000 on Information Security and of the CNRS-ISIS Thematic School'97.
¬ Teaching activities
In the framework of the High Tech Imaging programme of TELECOM SudParis, Nicolas Rougon is involved in the course on e-health & bio-imaging and coordinates the course on Image analysis. He also contributes to the Visual communications and Biomedical imaging courses of the 4th Semester of TELECOM SudParis curriculum.At the MSc. level, Nicolas Rougon contributes to the Computer vision course of the MSc. Virtual Reality & Intelligent Systems of Evry-Val d'Essonne University, and to the Digital imaging II course of the MSc. Sciences, Technology & Health: Signals and Images in Medecine of Paris Val-de-Marne University .