Handwritten document recognition and indexing systems


RIMES (pronounce [ream]), is the French word for "rhyme". In our project, RIMES stands for "Reconnaissance et Indexation de données Manuscrites et de fac similES", which means "handwritten data and fax recognition and indexing"). The RIMES project is a part of the French program TechnoVision financed by the Ministry of Research and Ministry of Defence.

RIMES aims to allow the evaluation of systems dedicated to the recognition and indexing of handwritten documents, in particular those addressed, by post mail or fax, by private individual to companies or administration.

The RIMES project scopes the essential of problematic in the domain of document automatic analysis : handwritten recognition and document structure analysis. The project combines them in a complete and realistic task -post mail and fax analysis-, in order to extract essential information (theme, sender identity, ...).

RIMES deals with :

  • building a huge handwritten documents database,
  • defining the protocol (criteria, metrics...) for the evaluation campaign using those data,
  • driving the campaign,
  • going through, analysing and synthesizing results,
  • making the resulting database available to scientific community at the term of the campaign.

 PartnersA2iA - CEP Arcueil - ENST - TSI Department - IDIAP - IRISA - LIP6 - Connex - LIRIS - LORIA - PSI -SIP/CRIP5

 Project site: http://rimes.it-sudparis.eu/

 Type: National

 Keywords: Multimedia databases, Multimedia indexing, Recognition, Segmentation

 Contact: Artemis

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